Fukeshu Jinashi-shakuhachi Komuso Myoan

All the recording was performed in "JI-NASHI NOBEKAN" which Dan Shinku handcrafted.
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Juki Onjyomandala MUKAICHI
 01 Fumon Gyo 1st
   02 Fumon Gyo 2nd
   03 Fumon Gyo 3rd
   04 Fumon Gyo 4th


  06 Fumon Soh 1st
   07 Fumon Soh 2nd
   08 Fumon Soh 3rd
   09 Fumon Soh 4th
One piece of 3,150 yen
(Tax-included price )
Is tax-included; a postage extra¥3,000  

       A Fuke sect of Zen shakuhachi comfort does not have the musical piece that described the natural scene.
       This work was not the thing which described the sea of fog, but, by the special how to play of the Myoan,
        the visual image and tone of the sea of fog linked extremely naturally.

       The musical piece that I recorded in truck 05 is soli for MIYOGIRI. It is almost the tuning of the ancient

are usually read with "Mukaiji". However, I add the spirituality of the sea of fog and read with "Mukaichi".
   Sea of fog

 ’08/06/10 Dan Shinku    

授記音聲曼陀羅 鈴慕
Juki Onjyomandala REIBO  
01 Garyoken biography

02 Music for HITOYOGIRI

03〜08  Sinku Composition

09 Music for HITOYOGIRI

10〜15 Futaiken biography
One piece of 3,150 yen
(Tax-included price )
Is tax-included; a postage extra
  Why is it Reibo? Even if it is asked, it is not answered.   The sense of touch that I cultivated chose it intuitively.
  Myself may have sympathized with the reverberation of the apparition of a living person faith that there was in Reibo.

Recording from 21 to 23 on May in 2003 Miyoshi-cho Cultural Centers
General supervision / Yasuo Tanaka(Dan art plan)
Recording engineer / Yukio Kojima, Takako Yanagisawa, Daigo Watanabe (Kojima recording)
Art director forest / Kenji Mori (Wrass network)

授記音聲曼陀羅 虚空
Juki Onjyomandala KOKU
  KOKU In mode
   01 Sirabe
   02 Koku Jyo
   03 Koku Ha
   04 Koku Kyu
   05 Kaesi
   06 Hachigaesi/Osame

07 KOKU Yoh mode
  KOKU Myoan mode
   08 Sirabe
   09 Koku Jyo
   10 Koku ha
   11 Koku Kyu
   12 Kaesi
   13 Hachigaesi/Osame
One piece of 3,150 yen
(Tax-included price )
Is tax-included; a postage extra

The original of "Juki" is "vyakarana" of the Sanskrit.
The meaning is division / analysis / development.

recording/ May 18-19 1998 Chichibu Muses park concert hall
General supervision /Yasuo Tanaka    
recording engineer/Yukio Kojima /Takako Yanagisawa
Art direkutor/Kenji mori  

Settlement by e-mail : a_dan-art@bc.wakwak.com
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